W5__Hamda__Tuckman Analysis Assignment for CCI department__

1-       Problem Definition

Since Client Contracts and Interface Department is the final department in the Life of project in the company which is a responsible of the plants such as Power Plants, Water Plants during the Operation stage, so working in this department requires a team with high performance in order to ensure that the Plants are performing with high efficiency with a few number of trips and with high quality of productions. Since the number of the projects increase from one period to another and the load of works on the team members increase from one time to another, so there are number of factors that affect on the performance of the team. The manager of the department and in order to ensure the high performance of the team shall identify the leadership style required to be adopted according to the stage that the group is operating in. The topic of this blog is using Tuckman’s Model to know in which phase of this model the department team is operated in and which style of leadership should be adopted in order to develop the team to achieve the department’s goals.

2-       Identify the Feasible Alternative

The Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing model of group development was first proposed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965 who maintained that these phases are all necessary in order to develop the team, to face up any challenges, to find the suitable solutions in order to tackle any problem, to plan work, and to deliver results as desired. Tuckman model explains that as the team develops maturity and ability, relationships establish, and the leader changes leadership style
For each phase/stage in the Tuckman model, there is a certain style of leadership that can be used by the team leader in order to lead the team to achieve the team goal.

3-       Development of the outcome of Alternative
The result of this assessment is coming from the questionnaire by using Donald Clark’s survey which was filled by Client Contracts and Interface department's members. The questionnaire consists of 32 statements about teamwork which are scored by using scale as defined in the below table:
Table 1: Scoring Scale
4-       Selection Criteria
Average Result (survey score)
Table 2: Survey Results
Table 2 shows the results of the average score of each phase in the model. As shown, there is a small difference between the score of Forming and Storming stages, and a small difference between Norming and Performing stages. Moreover, the Performing stage has the highest score, which means that the CCI team is in Performing Stage. And this indicates that the team is committed to perform well. 
5-       Analysis and comparison of the Alternative
The highest average score was got from the questionnaire done by the CCI department's members is for the Performing Stages, this indicates that the team members at this level have a clear understanding of what is required of them at a task level, they are performing at high level, and they are able to work towards achieving the department’s goals. The lowest average score is for the Storming stage. 
6-       Selection of the preferred Alternative
Since the CCI department's team is operated in a Performing Stage, it requires delegated tasks and projects from the leader. So, the team leader shall use the Delegating style of leadership. 
7-       Performance Monitoring and the Post Evaluation of result
The performance of the team can be monitored and improved by giving each member a responsibility to ensure that the team members are working together in achieve the main goals of the department and the teamwork. Evaluating the team work statement shall be doing from one time to another to ensure that the team is always operating in the Performing stage. 
1-    Scoring the Tuckman Team Maturity Questionnaire Electronically. Retrieved on 5 December 2017 from http://www.phf.org/resourcestools/Documents/Electronic_Tuckman.pdf
2-    Robert Knight, Tuckman's Guide to Group Development, Retrieved on 5 December 2017, from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tuckmans-guide-group-development-robert-knight 
3-    Casablanca Q1-2012 AACE, W1-TP-Tuckman Analysis Assignment, Retrieved on 5 December 2017, from https://aacecasablanca.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/w1-tp-tuckman-analysis-assignment/


  1. Great case study, Hamda..... The question is, whether or not this team is TRULY "performing" and if so, against what standard?

    One of the challenges to the Tuckman model is whether or not the team is REALLY performing or do they just think they are?

    The next step is to perform some sort of process measurement, such as CPI or SPI that serves to validate whether or not the team is really performing or just think they are.

    Great topic and I hope you dig more deeply into it....

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta


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