W7_Nasser_ Client Contract and Interface Department (CCI) LEADERSHIP STYLES ANALYSIS USING TUCKMAN MODEL

1.    Problem Definition

The CCI team members are working together for more than 3 years. They are dealing with generators in daily basis and managing contracts for all power and water plants in Oman.
Currently the team is assessed on Bruce Tuckman 4 stage model in order to identify which stage the team currently is operating in and which leadership style is suitable to develop the team.

2.     Identify the Feasible Alternative

The 4-stage model Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing is published by Dr. Bruce Tuckman, then he added another stage called Adjourning. In order to be an effective, I will assess my team including me and see in which stage we fall.
Beginning with a directing style, moving through coaching, then participating, finishing delegating and almost detached. At the end, the team will be able to produce a leader that can develop a new team.

Figure 1. Tuckman model

3.     Development of the Outcome for Alternative

Client Contract & interface (CCI) department have answered all the 32 questions survey containing statements of teamwork. The scale is defined from 1 to 5 and each team Member scores each of the 32 questions using the following scale:

Almost Never
Almost Always

Table 1. Scoring Scale

4.     Selection Criteria

After completing the Tuckman scoring model, the result of the CCI department is summarized below:


Table 2. Ranked Scores 

5.     Analysis and Comparison of the Alternative

The result show us, that the CCI department is in performing stage based on a highest score of 33. It is because, some of the team members joined OPWP together and then assigned in the same CCI department then work with a good Sr. Contract Engineers for 3 years. One of our colleague become our manager, it facilitates our communication with him. At the end, it reflects the definition of performing stage, collaboration in which member demonstrate support for each other.

If it is measured in leadership style then it will be one of the four behaviors (telling, selling, participating and delegating). Based on the result of Bruce Tuckman, the CCI department, is in delegating style

6.     Selection of the Preferred Alternative

The preferred alternative is Norming as it is ranked second with the score 31. the preferred leadership style for Norming stage is participating.

7.      Performance Monitoring and the Post Evaluation of Result

It is recommended to maintain the same performance of the department and repeat the survey after one year or later to compare the result.

8. References

  • Tuckman’s, B. (1965). FORMING, STORMING, NORMING & PERFORMING TEAM DEVELOPMENT MODEL. Online at:http://www.coachingcultureatwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/BruceTuckman_Team_Development_Model.pdf (accessed 6 November 2017


  1. Another very good blog posting, Nasser!!! HOWEVER, what you need to be careful of is whether their actual PERFORMANCE matches their own perception. It is possible for a team to be WORKING HARD but not producing as much value as they could or should be.

    So the next step is to use a Pareto Analysis to see if their CUSTOMERS or other STAKEHOLDERS are satisfied with their performance or not.

    The example of this team being a perfect example. While your team is within the acceptable (contractual) limits in terms of CPI and SPI, the performance is holding steady but at a rate that is sub-optimal. So the question remains is whether or not a team can legitimately assess themselves as being "Performing" if that performance is sub-optimal?

    Think about it and see if there is anyway to benchmark the performance of your CCI team, either against other CCI teams OR against past performance?

    Great case study and I hope you can'will develop it more.

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta


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