W12_Hilal_Effective Communication Method

Problem Recognition

The HSE department in our company is looking for a communication method that can be used for notification of incident for the projects under construction in our company. Using the wrong method can cause the project's communications to fail thus results in disputes. The project implementation department is in direct contact with project companies, therefore, choosing the best way of communication is our responsibility.

Feasible alternative

The Guild of Project Controls Compendium and Reference and Rita’s book suggest many methods of communications which some of them are verbal and others are written, some are formal and others are informal. Some these methods are:
a.       Email
b.      Letters
c.       Social Media Apps
d.      Phone calls
e.      Face to Face Meetings

Outcomes from alternatives

-          Email: informal written communication. Fast, easy to use, secure and information can be documented.
-          Letters: Formal written communication. It takes time to draft it, and send it. However, it provides secure communication, and ability to document the information.
-          Social Media Apps: Informal written or verbal communications. Very quick and easy to use. However, confidentiality is questionable and documenting information can be difficult.
-          Phone calls: Informal Verbal communication: very fast, easy and secure. However, documenting the information can be challenging.
-          Face to Face Meetings: Informal Verbal communication. Easy and secure. However, preparation for the meeting will take time as well as document information.

Acceptance Criteria

The HSE department is looking for the following criteria:
1.       Confidentiality: since the information exchanged between client and company owner, these information needs to be secure.
2.       Documentation: the information exchanged needs to be documented for late used. Therefore, proper and easy documentation is required.
3.       Time: the notification is required within two hours, so needs to be quick.
4.       The methods used should be easy, available and accessible considering the project environment.

Acceptance criteria vs. feasible alternatives:

Table 1: Acceptance Scale

Table 2: Analysis of the feasible alternatives

The table above analyze the alternatives against acceptance criteria using weighted method. Column A, shows the importance of the criteria on scale of 1 to 6 where 6 being the most important. Columns B, C, D, E, and F represent how the alternatives are meeting the criteria.

Preferred Alternative

Based on the results in table 2, we conclude the emails is the preferred alternative.

Tracking/reporting plan

The analysis of these alternative needs to be discussed with project implementation department before communicating it to HSE Department. An excel sheet needs to be set up to monitor the performance and effectiveness of this method in order to meet the required quality and time of reporting.


Guild of Project Controls. (2015). GUILD OF PROJECT CONTROLS COMPENDIUM and REFERENCE (CaR) | Project Controls – Communication Technology. Retrieved from http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/gpccar/developing-individual-competencies

Guild of Project Controls. (2015). GUILD OF PROJECT CONTROLS COMPENDIUM and REFERENCE (CaR) | Project Controls – Multi-Attribute Decision Making. Retrieved from http://www.planningplanet.com/guild/gpccar/managing-change-the-owners-perspective

Mulcahy, R. (2015). Rita’s Mulcahy’s PMP Exam Prep. Communication Management. Eight Edition

Richards, L. Business Communications & Etiquette. Methods of Communication Within a Business. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/methods-communication-within-business-2931.html


  1. Great case study, Hilal, but why didn't you include DASHBOARDS? I am sort of shocked that after 11 weeks of producing weekly reports that you didn't include dashboards on the company's INTRANET?

    This solves the problem of confidentiality and if you really want to get fancy you can use passwords to enable specific managers to "drill down" and not only see the gauges on your dashboard but also the actual underlying data?

    As we are at the end, there is no need to fix this blog but for your real life projects I would HOPE that you would have learned how effective dashboards can be in communicating effectively, efficiently and in a timely manner?

    Best of luck to you and good job. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta

  2. This type of reporting is just like notification. It does not include performance reporting. What I am looking for is a way for the project companies to notify us with any incident in timely manner and enough info. We usually use dashboards for monthly progress reporting.


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