W2_Eman_Root CAUSE analysis Using TREE DIAGRAM

1.     Problem Definition

After the project completion and reach Commercial Operation date (COD), it is handed over to Client Contract & Interface department (CCI). The Generator start invoicing us and claim for the energy delivered, water delivered, capacity and fuel consumption, to insure it is the right amount to be paid, the department request for additional information, which sometimes get delayed and cause delay in the payment. To avoid this problem and find the causes will use Root cause analysis tree diagram.

2.     Identify the Feasible Alternative

The root cause analysis is required to identify the exact root cause of the problem then list the possible corrective actions. In order to find the causes of the problem I will use RCA tree diagram.

3.     Development of the Outcome for Alternative

By using Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) I will be able to clarify, identify and allocate responsibilities of CCI Department. In order to resolve the problem with the generators. As shown in below table:

Table 2. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

4.     Selection Criteria 

After completing the RCA tree diagram, the result show as 3 possible solution that our department can follow for improvement. 
5.     Analysis and Comparison of the Alternative
The result from the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) show us the direction of assigning the responsibilities. It facilitates for the manger to assign the 3 possible solutions from RCA tree diagram, to the Stakeholder 2 and 3.

6.     Selection of the Preferred Alternative
There are many ways for identifying the causes of a problem, but the preferred one is RCA which indicate the true cause of the problem.
7.      Performance Monitoring and the Post Evaluation of Result
After implementing the solutions, we will check the performance of the generator and how efficient and fast they are in providing the data in monthly basis.
1.     RCA tree diagram
2.     Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

3.     Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)


  1. Sorry Eman but you missed a very essential element of our 7 step process and that is you MUST NOT start out with only a single alternative. You MUST start out with at least two and preferably three or more and then determine which one is "best" or "better" normally by using some sort of Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) approach.

    I am REJECTING this posting with the suggestion that you start again but this time, select ALL the different RCA tools/techniques http://www.realitycharting.com/_public/site/files/pdf/ARCA_Appendix.pdf.. or http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/cause-analysis-tools/overview/overview.html and then applying one of the Multi-Attribute Decision making Models from HEREhttp://www.planningplanet.com/guild/gpccar/managing-change-the-owners-perspective Figures 8-14 and then REPOST this as W2.1 but this time, apply our 7 step process to show which one of the RCA tools is "best" or "better" to apply to your unique situation.

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta


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