W3_Nasser_ Replacing My X-Terra Car Decision Making

1. Problem Definiton 

Following my recently taken decision for building a new house, a part of my plan is to minimize my expenses. My current car is X-Terra model. It is a big 4WD car consumes more fuel and with high spare parts and service rate I see it will save me money if I replace it with another car (smaller one). 

2. Identify the Feasible Alternative

-         Do not replace My X-Terra Car
-         To replace my current X-Terra to a NEW smaller car
-         To replace my current X-Terra to a USED smaller car
3. Development of the Outcome for Alternative
I am going to apply Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) technique for choosing which car, new or old one, will be my best choice to replace my current X-Terra.

Figure1: Decision Making Process

4. Selection Criteria:

The following criteria will be considered:
  • Price
  • Advanced Payment
  • Down Payment/ month
  • Family Car
  • Nice look
  • Spare Part Cost
  • Service Cost/5000 Km
  • Comfort over long distances

Table1: Criteria Analysis Comparison

5. Analysis and Comparison of the Alternative:

Using Grid Analysis, which is a useful technique for making a decision and it is most effective where you have a number of good alternatives and many factors to take into account, the comparison of the above criteria are ranked (3=best,2=better &/or Yes & 1=worst &/or No) as shown below:

Table2: Weight Assessment

 6. election of the Preferred Alternative

From the above analysis, replacing my current X-Terra Car with a NEW smaller Car is the best choice of decision.

7. Performance Monitoring and the Post Evaluation of Result

Both options, replacing my current X-Terra with a new or old car, could be acceptable since they both are almost achieve my preferred target (MINIMIZING COST).

8. Reference

1. Fishbein Models

2. Multi-Attribute Decision Making from the GPCCAR

3. Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Cross-Evaluation with Uncertain Decision Parameters

4. Grid Analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. OUTSTANDING case study Nasser and you applied the MADM method perfectly, but couldn't you find just as good an example for your COMPANY? ;-)

    How are you going to generate a favorable RoTI if you use PERSONAL examples and not work related examples?

    Not a problem this time but I do hope you don't forget that one of the major objectives of this course is to be able to document more savings than the course cost?

    Dr. PDG, Jakarta


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